
A note to my friends… (part 3 ~ Crafty Friends)

Hello Crafty Friends!

I hope you’re enjoying my updates this week. I have to say it has been really fun for me. I’m enjoying sharing with you and in return, a couple of you have reached out to say hello, share a smiley face and even drop me an email. I am loving the feeling of connecting with you. Isn’t that what we all need right now?

Mostly, I thank you for participating, peeking your little head in to respond back and let me know we are in this together!

So, today is Part 3 in my little series of notes to you and I’m saying a specific hello today to all of my Crafty Friends! If you missed Part 1 you can read it here. Part 2 can be read here.

So my Crafty Friends…

What can I share with you today? Well, first let’s figure out who I mean by Crafty Friends. To me, the Crafty Friends may just be the BEST. Shhhh… don’t tell the others, I may be playing favorites 😊 However, to me, the CRAFTY ones are probably the most similar to me. We love crafting just to CRAFT. We make a little bit of everything AmIRight?! We are not just addicted to paper, planners, stickers, sewing, journaling, etc. We like to dip our hands into anything we can find!

Crafty Friends

Crafty Friends can paint, sew, make cards, iron on stuff, use Mod Podge, staple things, photograph people, journal, Bible study, make soap, have Golden Scissors, probably have 15 different types of adhesive (for all occasions,) cut wood, use machines like Cricut, Silhouette, laminators, use foils, lots of sticker paper, may wear an apron, sometimes even goggles, and may have lost the feeling in the tips of their fingers from that darned glue gun!

Are you with me? We have “war wounds” from our crafty adventures, we have bled for our art (even if it was only a paper cut, it counts!)

My committment to you…

So, with you Crafty Friends, fellow warriors, here is my renewed commitment to you. I will be sharing more crafting tutorials on my YouTube Channel. This is one I have struggled with for a long time… but I figured now is the time. Get over it and just do it. So stay tuned for more of those to come along with easy to follow PDF tutorials you can save for your next crafting session.

Some of the projects I have coming up include:
Wall Art – using sticker paper
Mini Albums – for photos, memory keeping and even sticker storage
Planner Pages, Meal Planning and Planner Organization
Card Making Tutorials
Making Your Own Templates for Projects
And so much more!

I hope you’re excited and please give me a little shout out to let me know you’re here! Wave hello…